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Platitudes builds CLI interfaces out of your functions based on the type hints provided on its signature. It aims to be a zero-dependency drop in replacement for Typer. If you are familiar with Typer then you will immediately feel at home with Platitudes.


  • Zero dependency
  • Easy to use
  • Minimal boilerplate


Platitudes is available on pypi:

pip install platitudes

if you really want to avoid pulling code from the internet you can just vendor it into your project by copying the platitudes folder into it. As long as you are running Python>=3.10 everything should be fine.

Hello world example

import platitudes as pl

def hello_world(name: str = "World"):
  print(f"Hello {name}!")

Now you have a CLI! Let's check out the help:

❯ python example/ --help
usage: [-h] [--name NAME]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  - (default: World)

We just have one optional parameter which means that we should be able to run it with extra arguments.

❯ python               
Hello World!

or we can provide one ourselves,

❯ python --name ⭐
Hello ⭐!

The key takeaway is that we can generate create CLI with zero boilerplate by calling and letting it figure it out from the type hints.

Next move into the Extended Example were a more elaborate CLI is built and explained in detail.