
Standard library pathlib.Path are also supported and can be used as any of the other types that have been discussed already. However, many different checks can be performed on the received paths to validate them. In particular you can check for the following:

  • Does the pointed at object exist?
  • Is it readable/writable?
  • Can it be a directory?
  • Can it be a file?
  • Do you want to auto-resolve the path?

All of this behaviours are controlled using Annotated types with platitudes.Argument just like it is done with datetime arguments.

Here is an example where we only accept files that exist:

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated

import platitudes as pl

def get_filename_length(
    file: Annotated[Path, pl.Argument(exists=True, dir_okay=False)],

For more details on how to perform the other validatios discussed have a look at the Argument documentation.